February 22, 2025

I Need More Hours in a Day

I want to post a bunch of stuff but I need to get some sleep. There’s so much to write! Here are quick vignettes, working backward:

Today was quality workout on the track, and it was fun. I love the track and we three girlie girls are not all that far apart on the track, which makes it even more fun. Malinda and I had a swim at Barton Springs afterwards and that was strong and steady (7 x 2 lengths).

Monday and Tuesday, I was in Florida with the hubby. I got to lay out on the beach pretty much all day Monday (there was some strenuous napping and consumption of fruit-laced alcoholic beverages amongst all the beach time). I ate a bunch of sea food and got a massage. Yum. Verrryyy nice.

Sunday, I had a very average and unremarkable hour and a half run, but I did it leaving from the pool at El Salido and exploring all the nooks and crannies of the flat El Salido/Anderson Mill area. Found a nice little one-mile extention of the crushed granite trail I hadn’t ever been on, so did that a couple of times in and around all the various streets. Afterward, I hopped in the pool to knock out a pedestrian 30-minute swim. We left for Florida later that afternoon.

Saturday was the Shiner ride and that thing just ROCKED. I tell you, it must be those point-to-point rides with beer at the end.  Fun hanging out with friends afterwards. Cathy and I rode together and ran together and it was just a plain old GOOD DAY.

Friday was kind of a day from hell. Easy, quick 45 minute run but it was the hours of volunteer prep time at school getting ready for and then attending the kids’ Band Banquet that took a toll. Sigh. I was very tired.

Thursday had two big workouts, a swim and a bike, and then an evening of Senior Awards Ceremony on high school gym bleachers for two hours that just killed my back.

I wrote last about last Wednesday’s Wilke workout — I don’t think I mentioned, though, that later that afternoon I put my head down for “just a 15 minute nap” and woke up over two hours later. I had literally passed out cold.

I love my kids…but the senior stuff is really getting hot and heavy what with graduation May 31. So much to do! So little time! This training isn’t about distance at all; it’s about successful time management. Wouldn’t it be hilarious if Ironman gave handicaps like golf?

“Ah, yes, as a single person with no family, you have a handicap of 4 hours added to your finish time. Independently wealthy? That would be a 6-hour addition. Maid? Cook? I’m sorry — you’ve exceeded the time limit.”

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Leah Nyfeler

I'm a writer, content marketer, and adventurer who is always looking for the another story, exciting adventure, new trail, and good meal/book/movie. I love sharing things I'm curious about, what I know, and how I've come to learn it. Read my blog, "Enjoying the Journey: Observations on the Fit Life" (leahruns100.com) and find my articles in a variety of print and online magazines.

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