February 22, 2025

Random Observations on Life and Fitness

  •  Cycling uses your core. A lot. I know this because my core was sore to begin with, and I felt it being engaged at different time during our ride this morning. I see core work in my future. Lots of core work.
  • There’s no pleasing some people. There I was on my bike, in the center turn lane, going to make my left hand turn, when some ass yells from his pick-up, “Get off the road!” There is no car in the turn lane, nor are we impeding any car in any other lane. How else am I supposed to turn left?
  • It is much more fun to cook with fresh ingredients. For the first time in quite a while, I’ve actually gotten a kick out of making some things to eat. I can’t wait ’til we get into the eastside house and I can actually have a big ol’ garden–I am planning to convert most of the front yard into edible plants and producing trees.
  • The house always feels more organized when all the laundry is done. Not quite there yet, but I’m working on it.
  • It would be nice if Stephen F. Austin University had an outing to the nearby Davy Crockett National Forest but I sincerely doubt that will happen. Maybe I can hijack the kids on the way back for a quick stop…I better be driving if that’s going to happen. If girl child is driving, she will whiz right past with a “Nope! No time!” This is what she does when I suggest stopping at historical markers (I am the only one in the family who likes to stop and read the historical markers. If you’d like to see some Olympic-caliber eye-rolling, ask my kids sometime about Goliad….)
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Leah Nyfeler

I'm a writer, content marketer, and adventurer who is always looking for the another story, exciting adventure, new trail, and good meal/book/movie. I love sharing things I'm curious about, what I know, and how I've come to learn it. Read my blog, "Enjoying the Journey: Observations on the Fit Life" (leahruns100.com) and find my articles in a variety of print and online magazines.

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0 thoughts on “Random Observations on Life and Fitness

  1. It\’s for occasions like this

    There\’s no pleasing some people. There I was on my bike, in the center turn lane, going to make my left hand turn, when some yahbo (sp?) yells from his pickup, \”Get off the road!\” There is no car in the turn lane, nor are we impeding any car in any other lane. How else am I supposed to turn left?

    that you have a middle finger.

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