March 26, 2025

It’s Been Awhile Catch-Up Post

This is going to be a quick catch-up post, because it’s been soooooo long since I blogged. I have several things I want to write about (thoughts on Ironman Arizona, training, goals), so I’m knocking this out.

That Weird Case of Fatigue

Turns out my extreme tiredness was a case of mono. Never had it before in my life but I’m glad for the diagnosis, because it explains so much. I haven’t run a step since New York City Marathon–this is officially the longest time I have gone without working out of any sort, especially running, in over 10 years.

I knew I was sick when I had (what is this past tense? HAVE) no desire to run or move in general.

Right now, I’m just taking the best care of myself that I can. The last thing in the world I want to do is push myself back into things too soon and have to take more time.

So everything I’d thought I was doing (White Rock Marathon, BunMart Intergalactic Challenge, and some distance out at Bandera, to name but a few events) is poof! Gone.

Instead, I am focusing on the positive side and using this time to work on my regular, everyday nutrition and plan to focus on my core and form. And all with my best training buddy, Cathy.

This will be a great opportunity.

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Leah Nyfeler

I'm a writer, content marketer, and adventurer who is always looking for the another story, exciting adventure, new trail, and good meal/book/movie. I love sharing things I'm curious about, what I know, and how I've come to learn it. Read my blog, "Enjoying the Journey: Observations on the Fit Life" ( and find my articles in a variety of print and online magazines.

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0 thoughts on “It’s Been Awhile Catch-Up Post

  1. Oof! You have my greatest sympathy. I had mono in high school, accompanied by a case of strep, and it was one of the worst experiences of my life. Definitely take it easy and allow your body to heal. As I learned (painfully), it won\’t go away without full rest.

    Hopefully you still have plenty of turkey and pie leftovers to fuel that recovery!

  2. Well, I\’m not glad you have mono, but I\’m glad you have an answer now as to why you were so tired! Nice to know sometimes that it\’s not just all in your head. 🙂

    Now rest up and you\’ll come back stronger than ever, mentally and physically. Can\’t wait to swimbikeorrun with you again!

  3. I had mono too, in college. I remember not knowing what it was for weeks, and finally blowing up with a fever and sinus infection and wound up in the university health center for almost a week. It was a relief to get that diagnosis, even though it sort of sucks, and an opportunity to rest. Take care of yourself and don\’t rush things!

  4. Wow! I\’m so sorry to hear to you have mono, but I am glad that at least you can put a name to what\’s been making you so tired and sick! Now you can focus on recovery and hopefully be well enough to enjoy the holidays … the trails and all of us will still be here as soon as you are well enough to run again. 🙂


  5. I\’m glad to hear there is an explanation for how you have been feeling.

    BTW – I just tagged you on my blog (

    1. The kissing disease

      lol, that IS a mystery!

      BTW, I really wanted to comment on your entry about \”Why Iron\” but didn\’t see a way to do that; I\’m going to put some comments up here in a bit along those lines, so we can have a dialogue on that subject (if you like) over here.

      So, I tagged you!

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