March 29, 2025

Fun in the Sun

Today was my regular run with Cathy. The company was great but MAN was it humid. Seriously, it was like breathing through a wet blanket. I asked for a couple of walk breaks not so much for the legs (though they were still tired) but because I was just so blamed hot. I’m glad that my friend and I are on the same page philosophy-wise and she doesn’t mind the slow pace. There are few things better than a run with a friend.

Afterwards, I met my friend X  for an inaugural bike ride. We were going to hit the veloway for a tutorial as she got used to the new-to-her bike and riding with clips. Believe it or not, the Veloway was reserved and unavailable when we got there!

But there’s no stopping us, so we simply worked on the clipping and some basics first in the road and the cul de sac by the Wildflower Center and then in the neighborhood off to the right of the Veloway. She’s a long-time athlete, an avid spin class attendee, and has a cruiser already, so there was a very short learning curve. We hit South MoPac for a first loop and she did great! I see lots of fun bike rides in the future, especially if her new work schedule keeps up.

It was a bit warmish by the time we finished up at noon. I’ve been a slug inside the rest of the day — the afternoon heat is just insane, at least for me. I’m no lizard runner who thrives in heat; give me cold and overcast anyday, please. My tan just grows and grows, despite sun screen (no vitamin D deficiency here). But the runner tan is just not bathing suit friendly. Or even sandal friendly, for that matter. I may have to experience a fake tan for the first time in my life before we go on the big Greece vacation.

At least then I won’t frighten small children with the glaring white patches around  my midriff or my oddly pallid feet.

Of course, I have to GET a bathing suit first. I have the workout suit but no cute vacation suit. I better get on this, as beach time starts in about a month. If only I could run in a bathing suit…or swim in a jog bra and shorts.  lol

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Leah Nyfeler

I'm a writer, content marketer, and adventurer who is always looking for the another story, exciting adventure, new trail, and good meal/book/movie. I love sharing things I'm curious about, what I know, and how I've come to learn it. Read my blog, "Enjoying the Journey: Observations on the Fit Life" ( and find my articles in a variety of print and online magazines.

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0 thoughts on “Fun in the Sun

  1. Runner\’s Tan

    Funny! I have also been noticing the fish belly appearance of my feet and the top of my legs from the mid thigh to the hips. You might consider one of those cute boy short suits – that would work well with runner\’s legs.

    I have actually had a spray on tan (done at a tanning salon) for a trip to Ixtapa – I would recommend this for Greece. Or you might consider using at home creams for the white spots to even things out.

    I have no doubt that you will look beautiful even with fishy white feet – small price to pay for being in good shape!

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