March 26, 2025

Food and Energy

Alarm didn’t go off this morning, so I rolled out of bed 15 minutes later than I should’ve for the morning swim. That meant nothing to eat before hand, no first-of-the-morning tea, nada. Just choking down a bandana in the car as I drove to the pool. I think the lack of food put me into an energy hole today. I can’t seem to nap but I feel run down. And all I want to do is eat.

I went to the bike workout last night, where I did an abbreviated version since I was coming of the Bluff trail race on Sunday (and I’d done an 1:22 trail run that morning, shhh): only three hill loop repeats followed by some flat loop to wind down, completely skipping the big hill repeat at the end. So I didn’t feel particularly “worked out” at the end of the evening. Or so I thought.

I felt tired for the early morning swim, unable to catch my breath during the warm-up. Some of this may be due to the heat of the water, because I felt that way during the warm-up on Monday. But I think a lot of it was no fuel.

Coaches Lisa and Gordon have corrected several things about my stroke that (I think) make a big difference. We did some sets today working on anaerobic threshold; I think these kinds of workouts have been especially valuable in learing my “gears.” Later, we had a kick set; I put my fins on and was doing some dolphin kicking when Lisa spotted me and said, “Ah ha!  I see we need to be putting some fly in the workouts!”

I think I looked panicked–I kind of felt panicked–I’m not sure my “butterfly” is something any coach wants to see. I’ll never forget–after I learned how (which was just a couple of years ago at another Master’s swim group), I asked my competitive swimmer (backstroker/butterflyer) for some pointers. She watched me swim and said, “Mom, I’m not really even sure where to begin.”


I did like to do the IM (not Ironman, individual medley) relays back with the other group. There is nothing harder than fly, though.

Hill Country Trail Runners club run tonight! I’m looking forward to that, inspite of the heat.

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Leah Nyfeler

I'm a writer, content marketer, and adventurer who is always looking for the another story, exciting adventure, new trail, and good meal/book/movie. I love sharing things I'm curious about, what I know, and how I've come to learn it. Read my blog, "Enjoying the Journey: Observations on the Fit Life" ( and find my articles in a variety of print and online magazines.

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