March 26, 2025

Where Does the Time Go?

I have been so wrapped up in several projects lately that it has been hard to post. My running log is behind, too, and I’m sitting here in sweaty workout clothes still. And I have places to go, things to do but I NEEDED to take the time to write.

Triathlon Coaching and Training

Yesterday was a rainy, drizzly day and it was a bike workout for the Tri Zones group. We did one veloway loop and called it a day, heading over to have a cup of tea, snack, and talk training talk. Afterward, Jen and I had one-on-one time where we talked about the upcoming coaching and then I asked her her thoughts on my training.

I value her feedback; Jen’s quite an athlete and has a good “big picture” perspective. She gently pointed out to me that I often do “miles without purpose” and she’s right. I’ve gotten so into my running as my social outlet that I will go run just to hang out with people. And because I’ve been doing long distance, I didn’t really care how much I was doing.

Her comments were more that I needed to have a better plan in place, an idea of where I was going and how I was getting there, than I needed to not run so much. And we both agreed that triathlon training (especially biking) is going to be the way to get my body back in shape and get my hamstring up to snuff. She suggested that Longhorn Half Ironman was too late in the season with all the other stuff I wanted to do, and so I’ll look for something earlier. It was a good visit.

Writing about Fitness

I’ve spent a lot of time over the last week becoming familiar with Publisher and working on a newsletter. I really love this stuff:  writing, playing with layout, choosing images.

It brought back to me how much I enjoyed doing the ARC newsletter. I spent WAY more time on that thing than I had a right to (I actually had a longer-term freelance job at the same time, so time on the ARC newsletter was time off my job) but I LOVED the content and researching ideas for pieces and what not. That was a print newsletter; what I’m working on now is an email newsletter, which is a new learning curve for me. My hubby has been very helpful on some of the stuff, too — it’s nice to have live-in tech support.

Trail Running

Last Sunday, I ran St. Ed’s with my friend Jason. I enjoy running with him very much, and it makes me realize that, when I’m alone, I have a tendency to lollygag. We did a slightly longer version of the run I usually do in about the same amount of time. Or maybe it’s that a few of those extra pounds from my downtime are starting to come off. Whatever — it was a lovely run and a good time. Plus, we ran in the afternoon, which I really love. It’s SO nice to have a morning to sleep in and not get up for a workout or obligation. I’m hoping there’s a repeat this weekend!

Soccer Match

Tomorrow, we’ll drive to Brenham for the soccer game; Westwood has made it to Area playoffs for the first time in something like 18 years.

I hope the boys do well and have a great time — big news is that the athletic department is actually springing for a charter bus! Now, the football team takes a charter bus to games every week during football season, but the soccer team has never had one before, so it’s a big deal.

Ah, the little things in life make a difference, don’t they?

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Leah Nyfeler

I'm a writer, content marketer, and adventurer who is always looking for the another story, exciting adventure, new trail, and good meal/book/movie. I love sharing things I'm curious about, what I know, and how I've come to learn it. Read my blog, "Enjoying the Journey: Observations on the Fit Life" ( and find my articles in a variety of print and online magazines.

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