March 28, 2025

Island Runs

My hubby got treated to a reward trip this year for doing well at work, so last week, we went to Maui.

We’d been to Maui before; once, for our 5th wedding anniversary and then a second time for a reward trip with IBM about 10–15 years ago. It was interesting to go back.

The first time we went, I wasn’t a runner. The second time, I think I was a pretty new runner. One of my husband’s friends was a runner, and he and I made a point to do a short run or two around the hotel grounds. I remember thinking it was very hard running, what with the hills and the heat.

Running on Maui

This time, I went on my own while the hubby was doing business stuff. I went to the concierge and asked if they had any running routes to recommend. It turns out they did; from the Grand Wailea where we were staying, you basically had three options. One:  leave the hotel and turn left. Two, leave the hotel and turn right. Three, go down to the beach and run on the beach walkway.

Run #1

The first run, I opted to leave the hotel and turn right. It was the main roadway but there was either a sidewalk or bike lane the entire way on the right-hand side of the street. I stayed there and ran out to Makena — it was breath-takingly beautiful. On one side was the ocean. On the other side were manicured golf courses (I believe I passed four). Rolling hills, which I like. The weather was fabulous…lots of folks complained that it was hot and muggy but I didn’t think so at all. The ocean breeze felt amazing, and after our last summer here in Austin, I’m not sure that I can call anything under 95 degrees hot. That out-and-back run came to just shy of 6 miles.

Runs #2 and #3

The other two times I ran, I opted for the beach walkway.

Now, I never want to be the asshole runner, so at first I was a bit hesitant that it might be too “pedestrian” and not suitable for a run. But it wasn’t crowded and, as long as I was patient and pleasant, there was no problem getting around people. From the hotel, you had to take a wandering pathway down to the ocean; this was about the mid-way point of the walkway, so you had to do two out-and-backs. It was fun and pretty and shaded and just long enough (three miles) to be a workout. I added in some cooldown walking at the end to get a bit more in.

I never opted for the left-hand turn out of the hotel. That would have taken me into the business area of Wailea (which really just means shopping) and I just had no desire to go “into town” such as it was. With all that beauty, I just wasn’t in the mood for traffic.

We had a great time — picnic on the golf course and concert (Huey Lewis and the News), snorkeling with turtles, hanging out in a cabana by the ocean all day….life is good.

I’m looking forward to a long trail run tomorrow!

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Leah Nyfeler

I'm a writer, content marketer, and adventurer who is always looking for the another story, exciting adventure, new trail, and good meal/book/movie. I love sharing things I'm curious about, what I know, and how I've come to learn it. Read my blog, "Enjoying the Journey: Observations on the Fit Life" ( and find my articles in a variety of print and online magazines.

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