March 29, 2025

Seeing a Special Friend

I’m thinking a lot about a friend this afternoon. It’s funny; we have some kind of connection because we don’t live close by and we don’t have the same schedule nor am I chatting it up with folks who might pass on information, but I always seem to feel the need to see him or talk to him when it’s important that I do so.

The last time I saw him, it was right before my son’s big regional soccer match. So much happened right after in my life–the soccer games, Danskin coaching duties starting up, the trip to Maui, soccer banquet goings-on, two trips to Nacogdoches–and before I knew it, almost four weeks had passed since our visit, which had been a good one, full of laughing. It wasn’t like he was out of my mind during that time, because I sent cards and thought about him often. But suddenly this week, it became rather pressing to me that I see him.

I kept putting it off (now wasn’t a good time to call, I’ll call right after I do this, blah blah blah); when I called today to see when I could visit next, I found out he’s going into the hospital and I won’t be able to see him for two more weeks. It’s a procedure he wants, one that will improve his quality of life, so it’s a positive thing but there are always risks with surgery, especially when someone is ill to begin with.

And so it hit me, really in a very visceral way, that we’re at the point where the last time I’ve seen him could very well be the last time I see him…whenever that is.

I don’t want this to sound like a doom-and-gloom thing, because it’s really not. It’s just  me musing about how I need to have an acceptance of the way life flows so quickly and a realization that schedules and things can be an impediment to that which really matters. I’ve made a promise to myself that there are few things more important that seeing him, so when I get the “all ready for visitors” call I’ll be right there. That’s all I can do, and I need to be at peace with the time I’ve spent so far with him (no regrets, no “I should’ves”).

Tomorrow while I’m out on the trail, I will say a special prayer and enjoy life and nature’s beauty for him.

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Leah Nyfeler

I'm a writer, content marketer, and adventurer who is always looking for the another story, exciting adventure, new trail, and good meal/book/movie. I love sharing things I'm curious about, what I know, and how I've come to learn it. Read my blog, "Enjoying the Journey: Observations on the Fit Life" ( and find my articles in a variety of print and online magazines.

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