January 22, 2025

Call It a Draw: Heat 1/Leah 1

I was a bit apprehensive about this morning’s workout. Saturday had been miserable, and I’d spent the rest of the day in a stupor, lying around, rehydrating, and attempting to bring my body temperature down from the equivalent of molten lava. Sunday passed in pretty much the same fashion. So today, Monday, rolled around and I wasn’t really sure that I felt up to running.

I decided to go to the workout and, at the very least, do the warm-up. If I had to, I’d call it a day. It seemed a bit cooler standing outside of RunTex, which gave me hope. However, none of the people who are my pace were showing up. Ahem. Ok. We got the workout description and headed over to Zilker Park. I silently admonished myself to run my own easy warm up pace and not chase the group.

They didn’t leave me too far behind and I was able to snag a cool drink before drills. I felt pretty good. The workout was 2K repeats; since I’d had a long run, I had 3x to do. Michael stressed that we needed to be able to converse, and I took that pacing to heart. We took off, me chasing the pack. I took a page from IM Coach Amy’s book and told myself that I wanted all three to be the same pace, so the first one was going to have to be easier than I thought.

I was pleased to see that my first 2K lap was roughly equal to my 2K warm-up lap of two weeks ago.  90 seconds of rest and off again.

Now,  the group had left as I came up for my recovery, so I decided that my simple goal was to not get lapped. Second 2K was a few seconds faster than the first, and the third was the same as the first…and I did not get lapped. I did have to walk some to get back to RunTex, but I’d rather put effort out in the workout than zip back to my car.

I have felt headachey and worn out the rest of the day with extremely low motivation. After my shower, I accidently fell asleep on the bed. Seems like remnants of my problems on Saturday. I think I’ll do a workout inside tomorrow and swim rather than get out in the oven.

I hear there’s a cool front headed our way that will bring temperatures down to the 90s–wahoooo!


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Leah Nyfeler

I'm a writer, content marketer, and adventurer who is always looking for the another story, exciting adventure, new trail, and good meal/book/movie. I love sharing things I'm curious about, what I know, and how I've come to learn it. Read my blog, "Enjoying the Journey: Observations on the Fit Life" (leahruns100.com) and find my articles in a variety of print and online magazines.

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