February 22, 2025

The Foam Roller is My Friend

My massage therapist, Gayla, has been after me forever to foam roll my legs more.

“The foam roller is your friend,” is what she always tells me. Yeah, yeah. I mean to but then somehow, I don’t.

Kelly, the PT at Airrosti, gave me a lecture on the necessity of foam rolling, especially considering “what kind of exercise you like to do.” So I am trying to embrace the foam roller.

Airrosti Therapy and Pain

After my treatment on Tuesday, Kelly taped my ankle and calf. I was sore Wednesday but attributed that to Coach Gilbert attempting to kill me on Monday with leg lifts, among other core torture, and the extremely painful facia manipulation Tuesday morning.

I woke up Thursday and it was painful to walk when I got out of bed. Uh oh; this was back to where I was prior to my massage the week before. I’d been feeling so much better and now I was sooooo much worse.

I headed out for my regular Thursday run; as we took off on the trail, I had to say to Dr. Stephanie, “I don’t think I can run on my foot.”

She said I was limping; I began to freak. We talked and I mentioned that my foot felt stiff and immobile. She suggested that perhaps the tape wasn’t giving enough. Doh! I sat down on a bench, pulled my shoe and sock off, and immediately took off all the physio tape.

Aaaahhhhh. Sweet blessed relief. Surprisingly, I could run. We did our 5.5 mile out and back. I came home and took an Epsom salt soak, followed by icing throughout the day.

Friday morning, I had almost no pain getting out of bed. Today, none whatsoever. I’m sitting here, rolling my foot on the tennis ball, working “the spot” and wondering if Monday’s Airrosti session is something I should do or something I should skip. I dropped Dr. Ellspermann a note yesterday to tell him how bad it had gotten and asking if I should come in.

I think the tape just kept my ankle from stretching as much as I (clearly) need it to. Perhaps he’ll tell me to come in but Kelly will do the taping differently. All I know is, I can’t be as sore as I was on Thursday again this week when my race is on Sunday. Just can’t go there, either physically or mentally.

Today’s run was an easy 6-miler, last 4 at marathon goal pace (MGP). I have to give thanks to my friend Stacey for making sure I didn’t run too fast up front or on the sweet downhill coming back; it’s easy to just go when it’s short and the weather is wonderful, like today.

Rest day is Sunday (I think I’ll swim) and Monday is short, at mgp; Tuesday is even shorter.  I have a massage scheduled for Wednesday, which is a rest day.


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Leah Nyfeler

I'm a writer, content marketer, and adventurer who is always looking for the another story, exciting adventure, new trail, and good meal/book/movie. I love sharing things I'm curious about, what I know, and how I've come to learn it. Read my blog, "Enjoying the Journey: Observations on the Fit Life" (leahruns100.com) and find my articles in a variety of print and online magazines.

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