March 25, 2025
Bowl of vegetable soup

Fun Foodie Friday–A Soup for Summer

Ah, the warm weather months in Texas. Typically, these temperatures consist of “hellishly hot” and “hotter than Hell.”

We’ve had an unseasonably wet last few months, and as a result, Austin is lush and green. If your yard looks like crap, it’s because that’s okay with you. The smell of blooming star jasmine is in the air, the bluebonnets were spectacular, and we managed to hold off on air conditioning until this week–when a few humid 90-degree afternoons and guests prompted us to opt for mechanized comfort.

There are certain foods that I just won’t eat when it’s hot. I much prefer light nibbles, eaten outdoors on the patio, than scarfing down a heavy meal. Soup falls into the category of winter foods for me. Yes, I know there are cold soups but I typically don’t like them. Soup, to my thinking, is supposed to be hot, and the last thing I want while dissolving into a sweat puddle is a warm liquid meal heating up the kitchen (and my innards).

A Veggie Soup That’s Light Yet Filling

In the course of my recent 7-day veggie detox, I came across this soup recipe. While it’s still a hot soup, the broth is thin and light. Because it doesn’t cook for long, the vegetables remain crisp. As zucchini comes into season, the ingredients help me use up all the contents of my bi-weekly CSA box. It’s easy to prepare and quick to cook. Perhaps best of all, creator and chiropractor Thomas Connelly promotes it as helping to refresh the adrenal glands and reduce symptoms of adrenal stress, such as reduced energy, back pain, and ligament problems.

Oh–and it tastes good, too.

Dr. Connelly’s Vegetable Soup

from Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats by Sally Fallon with Mary G. Enid, Ph.D.

Bring 4 cups chicken stock or filtered water (I use water) and 4 tablespoons tomato paste to a boil. Blend with a wire whisk and skim. Reduce heat.

Soup pot on stove with tomato broth
Step One: I like to use Amore All Natural Tomato Paste because it comes in a nifty 4.5-ounce squeeze tube. Just recap and refrigerate what isn’t used for another recipe.

Add 1 cup French beans (cut into 1-inch lengths), 1 cup finely-chopped celery with leaves, and 2–3 medium zucchini (quartered lengthwise and thinly sliced). Simmer until they are just tender and still green, about 10 minutes.

bowls of vegetables and tube of tomato paste for soup recipe
I used a mandolin to slice my zucchini and tried to make celery, French beans, and zucchini approximately the same size.

Stir in 2 tablespoons parsley, finely chopped, and 1/2 teaspoon paprika. Season to taste.

Container of soup with cookbook
Not interested in the soup? There’s an alternative recipe, called Bieler broth (p. 608), that’s described as a “tonic” and beneficial for fasting.

Serves 4 to 6; makes 6 cups of soup. Reheats well and makes an excellent and stick-to-your-ribs lunch.

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Leah Nyfeler

I'm a writer, content marketer, and adventurer who is always looking for the another story, exciting adventure, new trail, and good meal/book/movie. I love sharing things I'm curious about, what I know, and how I've come to learn it. Read my blog, "Enjoying the Journey: Observations on the Fit Life" ( and find my articles in a variety of print and online magazines.

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