March 29, 2025
Halloween costume as Hillary Clinton meme

2016’s Best Halloween Costume Looks a Lot Like Me

When was the last time a Halloween costume made you giddy with happiness?

My answer: October 2016

It’s a simple costume—I pulled out a black skirt, light-weight shirt, and jacket. All it took to finish my look was a trip to Sam Moon, always rewarding, for two $5 necklaces, a cool brooch ($11—sale FINAL!), and some cheap sunglasses.

Oh, and my “Yo Voté” sticker—free with citizenship!

Can you tell who I am?

Woman dressed
I couldn’t master a selfie and get my phone in the photo a la Clinton’s Blackberry, so I had to settle with her trademark thumbs up.

Halloween Texts from Hillary (Madam President if You’re Nasty)

My Hillary Clinton costume is giving me great joy. Why?

  • It’s so easy–I don’t even have to wash my hair and that slight double chin as I peer down to read texts actually works well here.
  • Sure, Clinton has some years on me, but standing outside in a suit jacket quaffing margaritas at my friend’s Halloween shindig in Texas’ 90-degree heat may knock some shine off my relative youthfulness.
  • Yes, it’s a political costume [egad!] but at least one everybody can enjoy. Who didn’t laugh at my inspiration, that clever “Texts from Hillary” meme, when it swept the U.S. with all the speed of a particularly juicy conspiracy theory?
  • For the first time in my life, I could actually look like the President of the United States of America, the most powerful person in the free world. Without a costume.

Line on first day of early voting in Texas at Austin's Fiesta Mart

Monday was the first day of early voting here, and I saved my civic duty for that evening. I was happy to wait, pleased to see so many people participating in the democratic process.

I practically danced into the voting booth/kiosk. How many times did I review the electronic ballot to ensure I’d properly checked “Hillary Clinton/Tim Kaine”? Three. And, each time, I was thrilled to read her name first.

When I finally hit “Cast Your Ballot,” adrenaline shot through my body. I’ve been a Hillary Clinton fan for years, but tears? Really? For the next few minutes, I wandered around Fiesta Mart, quietly weeping and goofily smiling before grabbing a 6-pack of celebratory Coronitas.

Why so emotional? I didn’t cry when I voted for Barack Obama, a truly historical moment, one in which I was honored to participate. (Oh, I cried like a baby when he victoriously addressed the crowd at Chicago’s Grant Park. Full confession—I cried again, watching it just now. Thanks, Obama!)

This vote, though–this one is personal.

This is the first time I have been able to vote for someone who could’ve been me.

This is the first time that someone like me may sit in the Oval Office.

This is the first time,

and this costume feels like validation.

Like success.

Like a boss.

Woman dressed

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Leah Nyfeler

I'm a writer, content marketer, and adventurer who is always looking for the another story, exciting adventure, new trail, and good meal/book/movie. I love sharing things I'm curious about, what I know, and how I've come to learn it. Read my blog, "Enjoying the Journey: Observations on the Fit Life" ( and find my articles in a variety of print and online magazines.

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