“Be careful what you wish for.”
Over a year ago, I set myself up for yes. In particular, saying yes to travel.
Being a freelancer, I have ultimate schedule flexibility; having an empty nest (sans our ancient cat), my spouse and I have great freedom. With these things in mind, Hubby took a new job that upgraded his responsibilities from national to worldwide.
Oh, my suitcases were packed before you could spell “destination.”
Oh, the Places I’ve Been!

The new year is always a good time to take stock of the old. I was curious: Just how much had I traveled since making that commitment? So I looked back at 2017. Naturally, that meant I needed to review 2016 (you know, to compare).
For a wordsy, left-brain kind of person, I sure love numbers, orderly data, and statistics. And for all my content creation, put me in front of Canva to craft up some images and I’m a very happy camper. Because I’ve been super busy (hello, Social Media Week Austin conference!) and am a terrible procrastinator, I decided to give up on the lengthy written summary and just say it with pictures. (Why, no–this image-heavy post has nothing to do with spending ‘way too much time doodling around on this snazzy infographic.)
What Do Napa, Vancouver, Maryland, and Barcelona Have in Common?

Answer: These amazing trips all still deserve a recap. As you can see, I’m woefully behind on my travel writing and I’ve got an amazing trip ahead–Tokyo! With that destination in mind, I resolve to do better about sharing past and future adventures.
In the meantime, here are some of my travel adventures from the last two years.
Seattle: “Seattle in 72 Hours”
Orlando: “BlogHer 2017 Went A Lot Like My First Marathon”
St. John, USVI: “Riding Out the Storm with Books”
Boston: “Give Me Liberty and a Weekend in Boston Anytime”
Dallas: “Discover Katy Trail in Downtown Dallas”
Ann Arbor: “Ann Arbor Delivers a Christmas Frame of Mind”
Nebraska: “Time Traveling in Northwestern Nebraska” and “Morning Runs and Big Sky”
Destin: “Spending a Delightful Weekend at Destin’s Sugar Sand Beaches”
West Texas (Davis Mountains): “So You’re Hiking in West Texas…”
Illinois: “Celebrating the 4th with Family”
Seattle (again!): “Seattle on the Weekends”
North Carolina: “DFL, DNF, or DIM (Does It Matter?) at the Leatherwood Ultra”
Paris: “Love, Paris Marathon Style”