March 28, 2025

Here I Go!

Yesterday, my friend Cathy and I sat down with Coach Amy and talked about all things related to Coeur d’Alene specifically and Ironman in general. I hung on absolutely every word, because I have such great admiration for Amy as a person and an athlete…and that goes ‘way back over several years and a variety of training groups. She is one of those people who is a COACH; she just can’t help but to mentor other people. I came away from that get-together feeling so positive and pumped. Wahooooooo!!

Anyway, one of her suggestions was to keep a journal. So here I am. Who knows what all I will write about or whether anyone will particularly care to read this stuff, but I think it will be fun and theraputic (and keep me off the streets).

Tomorrow I will head out to Bastrop State Park for a 16-mile trail run. My trail running is going well right now and I so love it. I have a group of friends that is planning to do Palo Duro Canyon in late October and I want to do the 50-miler.

On one hand, I think that this is a good idea as it gives me practice with nutrition/hydration over a longer period of time (plus I’ll only be running to finish, no focus on time) but on the other hand, I am worried that perhaps I will spend more time than I need to running…or not enough time running because I’ll have been on the bike getting ready to do a half IM the first week of October.

In any case, Bastrop tomorrow will be fun.

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Leah Nyfeler

I'm a writer, content marketer, and adventurer who is always looking for the another story, exciting adventure, new trail, and good meal/book/movie. I love sharing things I'm curious about, what I know, and how I've come to learn it. Read my blog, "Enjoying the Journey: Observations on the Fit Life" ( and find my articles in a variety of print and online magazines.

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0 thoughts on “Here I Go!

  1. Sorry it took me so long to find you on here!

    I am so glad you\’re here. I\’ve missed chatting with you. I look forward to the updates on training. If anyone can do an Ironmnan, it\’s you. (and COJ!!)

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