February 22, 2025

It’s the Little Things

Um, I get behind on my blog entries. Time just gets away from me, and next thing I know, several days have gone by.

Last week was Week 1 of IM training. It was a success. There were three new things in one week for me: strength training, the stroke clinic, and my quality workout. They all went well, and thanks to my friends, it has been easy to put these items in my schedule. I’m looking forward to keeping them up.

Keeping Track of Workouts

I’ve also decided to write all my workouts on my desk calendar and, when I complete one, I take my big fat red Sharpie marker (I LOVE Sharpies) and make a check. If I miss it, I will circle it in red. It’s amazing what I will do to avoid a red circle. There are no red circles right now. This Friday and Saturday may be a challenge, as we will be babysitting my two little nephews and there are multiple soccer games. So I will live by the Marine Credo:  Adapt, Improvise, and Overcome!”

Week 1: IM Training Totals

Swim: 1:30
Bike:   2:45
Run:   4:55

(Visited 51 times, 1 visits today)

Leah Nyfeler

I'm a writer, content marketer, and adventurer who is always looking for the another story, exciting adventure, new trail, and good meal/book/movie. I love sharing things I'm curious about, what I know, and how I've come to learn it. Read my blog, "Enjoying the Journey: Observations on the Fit Life" (leahruns100.com) and find my articles in a variety of print and online magazines.

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0 thoughts on “It’s the Little Things

    1. Have a you heard this joke? A blonde keeps a log..

      One hour thirty minutes plus 2 hours 45 minutes plus 4 hours 55 minutes….

      oh DUH…hahahahahaha Hey, look at that! I worked out more already! I LOVE this triathlon stuff.

      1. Re: Have a you heard this joke? A blonde keeps a log..

        It\’s the little things … 😉

        [Of course, you could edit the original, delete my comment, your comment to my comment and this comment, and no one would would know you were blonde:)]

      2. Re: Have a you heard this joke? A blonde keeps a log..

        [Of course, you could edit the original, delete my comment, your comment to my comment and my comment to your comment to my comment, shubbe\’s comment, and no one would would know you were blonde:)] [except me, you, shubbe, everyone shubbe told, everyone I told, everyone you fondly recount the story to. Plus _they_ say nothing is ever deleted anyway … but other than that …]

      3. Re: Have a you heard this joke? A blonde keeps a log..

        Which begs the age old question: if a comment is deleted in a blog and no one sees it, does it still make a sound? Wait…I think that\’s trees and forests.

        I\’ll leave it because I love a good laugh.

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