I am so happy right now.
This morning was my first official “workout” since Ironman Coeur d’Alene. Cathy, Malinda, and I met out at Walnut Creek Park and went for a trail run. Oh, we ran and chatted non-stop and even managed to get off the beaten path — aka not end up where we intended to, which is impressive considering they have new trail markers out there to guide you through the maze, which means we must’ve REALLY been chatting.
My body feels great. My energy levels are back up there, though it remains to be seen whether I crash later this afternoon. It was a pleasure to be out on the trails with my friends, running for fun, without a schedule.
Amazing. Wonderful. Glorious.
On a completely unrelated note, this is possibly one of the most fantastic things I\’ve ever seen. (it\’s really hard to properly appreciate it in your icon \’cause it\’s so tiny)
You are sweet. I was very happy that day, too!