March 29, 2025


Today I dropped in on the T3 noon swim practice.

Claire has been doing their workout, and I went with her. It was my first swim since Ironman Coeur d’Alene (well, my first swim that didn’t involve dog paddling and an adult beverage). It was a really nice work out and I enjoyed it immensely. It made me remember how much I’d liked going last fall with my oldest daughter. And I honestly like to swim, especially outside in a pool.


Last night, Cathy talked me in to attending T3’s information session for their Longhorn Half Ironman program. I was impressed and made to feel very welcome. It’s nice to walk into a place, see people you know, and be greeted warmly. I’m such a sucker for buddies. I just like to hang out with people I like. My friends Clarence, John, and Dionne were there. T3 has some during-the-day training options–I could have three group workouts a week during the day.

It’s $$$ and part of me (the mid-Western German penny-pinching pratical part) feels that I should be able to do what I want on my own without having to lay out all that cash. I can certainly put together a schedule (I mean, the marathon stuff is old hat, and I was pretty successful training myself for Longhorn last year) and in theory, I could scrounge up friends or do workouts on my own.

But the other part of me is really tempted to have everything put together for me and just show up.

I don’t know…I need to chat it over with the hubby.

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Leah Nyfeler

I'm a writer, content marketer, and adventurer who is always looking for the another story, exciting adventure, new trail, and good meal/book/movie. I love sharing things I'm curious about, what I know, and how I've come to learn it. Read my blog, "Enjoying the Journey: Observations on the Fit Life" ( and find my articles in a variety of print and online magazines.

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0 thoughts on “Swimming

  1. I\’m right there with you, want to and think I can train alone, after all, done it loads of times before, and they want how much? On the other would be nice to be part of a structured program and not have think about it.

    I wish I\’d have known about last night, I\’d have come along… how much did they want, what would you get?

    1. I\’m in this boat too kids. A structured program and not having to think about it is so easy but once school starts I would NOT be able to make the evening stuff at all…my kids have too much extra-curricular crap at night. I see 2, maybe 3, workouts during my free hours, school hours, that I could make a week plus group workouts on the weekend. The problem is if I have something come up and miss the only workouts I can make…I\’m on my own anyway. Is it worth the $150 a month? Probably but why am I struggling with this decision then?

      Triman, I will let Leah address your question but in a nutshell you should just go check T3 out…like minded folks, lots of organized workouts and a schedule.

    2. It\’s $150 a month and you get a weekly schedule and group workouts. It\’s really a lot of information–they have multiple run/bike/swim workouts each week. You kind of have to look at their calendar (it may be up on the website, not sure).

      The crabster knows all and found the info meeting–I find their website a bit hard to get info from and never saw this. The meeting was particularly about their Longhorn Half training program.

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