March 26, 2025

Good Days

Today while I was driving home from spending time with friends, the thought came to me that I feel just like me again. I don’t feel like anything is wrong with me or holding me down or needing special attention or requiring rest and repair. I’m back to my regular me. And that thought was quite warm and pleasant, because it seems like it’s been a really long time since I could say that without an asterisk of some kind.

Swim Workout

Last night, I had a fantastic time at swimming. All day long, I’d had one of those minor, background headaches — the kind that just doesn’t get better but really isn’t all that bad, just annoying. We have a new coach on Monday nights for the month of June, so I didn’t really know what to expect, but I soon realized that I liked him and what he was having us do.

At one point, we were doing these breathing drills where you go hypoxic (?). 100m total: 75m set of 25m breathing every three strokes, 25m breathing every five, 25m breathing every seven, short rest, and then 25m sprint.

We did that twice, then had the option to change from 3/5/7 to breathing 3/9/3. I tried that and was surprised that I could do it! The tips that Gordon gave us really helped. We did a total of four sets. Somewhere in the middle of that, my headache went away.

We also did some butterfly kicking with fins, which I absolutely adore. I worked on not splashing so much. There were a couple of women there I enjoyed talking to and hope to get to know better. The evening was great, and I came home feeling strong and happy and stretched out.

Run Workout

This morning I had a great run. I love this Lydiard program I’m following. It’s perfect for me for what I can do right now; today, I needed to run for an hour on the road.

Because I had some errands to do, I did my run over in Northwest Hills. I started at Anderson High School and did a loop that Meredith Terranova had introduced me to while I was in her training group. It’s a hilly loop, and I told myself that I just needed to fill an hour, so I ran it about six times. It was a great mix of uphill and downhill, and I felt like I was moving quickly down and then powering steadily up.

My loops were all almost exactly the same time. They weren’t particularly fast, but that’s not an important part of what I’m doing right now, so it’s very freeing not to worry about it at this point. I’m just enjoying myself. There’s something so refreshing about just going out and running for time.

Time with Friends, Family

I had a lovely lunch with some friends I don’t get to see very often (or even often enough). That was followed by a phone call from the middle child, who is away being a band camp counselor; she’s so busy that this was the first opportunity I’d had to talk to her since last Friday. Picked up the boy child and got to hear all about his successful day at life guard training. And this evening, the hubby and I are going to get out a bit on our own.

Good times, good times.

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Leah Nyfeler

I'm a writer, content marketer, and adventurer who is always looking for the another story, exciting adventure, new trail, and good meal/book/movie. I love sharing things I'm curious about, what I know, and how I've come to learn it. Read my blog, "Enjoying the Journey: Observations on the Fit Life" ( and find my articles in a variety of print and online magazines.

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