March 25, 2025

Heat Adjustment

This crazy heat is going to accomplish a miracle and change the way I workout–by making me get moving earlier.

Last night, I went to swim workout. I love an evening swim. When I got in the pool to help with the lane lines, something bobbed by my hand–it was the pool thermometer.

I did a double take, and then a triple take:  90 degrees.

It was like being in a bath (and not a very enjoyable bath, either). Tepid and NOT refreshing at all; all day long, I’d been imagining how good and cool the water would feel. During the warmup, I was actually hot. When are you EVER hot swimming?!?

Someone said that the pool temperature was better at the morning swims. I will go on Wednesday morning; if it really is better, I may just have to go to morning swims from now one. Either that, or bring some bags of ice to dump in the pool Monday nights.

Yesterday, I saw a post about a Hill Country Trail Runner group run out at Walnut Creek this morning. I’d gone to one a while back and really enjoyed the people and the closeness of the park, but most of the runs since then had either been 1) too soon in my recovery or 2) on Thursdays, when I have a regular run with a friend. This one worked…but it started at 6AM. Yikes.

I rolled out of bed, carefully calculating the most amount of sleep while still being able to get there on time and have my system functioning. It was a small, friendly bunch (seven people) and we had a nice fun run of  1:23 on the trails. When I stopped running, it looked like I had swam in the creek. My shoes were sopping wet before we ever found enough water to splash in. Steady stream of sweat running off my elbows. My car towel was completely soaked through by the time I got home.

I can’t imagine what it would’ve been like, oh, finishing up now.

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Leah Nyfeler

I'm a writer, content marketer, and adventurer who is always looking for the another story, exciting adventure, new trail, and good meal/book/movie. I love sharing things I'm curious about, what I know, and how I've come to learn it. Read my blog, "Enjoying the Journey: Observations on the Fit Life" ( and find my articles in a variety of print and online magazines.

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0 thoughts on “Heat Adjustment

  1. 90 degrees in the pool – that sounds awesome! Maybe I should give swimming another try in the summer. I have been curious about the Tuesday Walnut Creek run, but I am usually to lazy to get out of bed for it…

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