We’re back from the Greece trip. It’s hard to resume the routine; I gave myself yesterday to walk around in a jet-lagged fog, do laundry, and generally return to normal. Today, I have things to do and I’ll go to the HCTR’s club run tonight, my first run since two weeks ago. Ouch.

We did walk/hike on the trip but it was not very strenuous (there were lots of times I didn’t break a sweat or even breathe hard) but at least we were moving and out in the heat. That hopefully will conterbalance some of the championship level eating I did.
This makes me feel behind on my running. Between going to Port Aransas, the trip to Greece, and my upcoming conference in Dallas, I will have missed some pretty crucial running time towards getting ready for Palo Duro Canyon 50K. Normally, this wouldn’t bother me so much except that I am coming from my weakest base ever — all that time off not being well, from November through the first of March, when I couldn’t run at all or could only do a few miles.
I think this is going to be a lesson in letting go. I tend to have a lot of preconceived notions about where I need to be when, and I tend to be one who over-prepares.
Palo Duro is going to be a lesson in what I can do when I haven’t done everything possible.
Does that make sense?