February 26, 2025

Nacogdoches and Stuff

My daughter had her first recital of the new school year at Stephen F. Austin on Tuesday.

I got up that morning and hit the early morning Walnut Creek run. That was so fun — it was cold! I actually wore long sleeves and gloves.Several times in the dark, a large bird swooped in front of our fearless leader as we worked our way down the paths. I love the sun coming up about 20–30 minutes into the run, instead of the entire run being in the dark. Because I needed to get to Nac (or “the doches” as the kids call it), I had to simply jump in the car and hurry home. I was so surprised to see how red my stomach and legs were from the cold; it had not felt that bad to me at all.

Visiting the College Kid

It’s a lovely (though lengthy) drive to Nac; I got there a bit after noon, when my girl was done with her classes for the day. We hung out, ate a bit, and drove around to look at apartments she’s considering with a friend. Then, she had band rehearsal so I checked into the hotel room and cleaned up before picking her up at the dorm before the recital.

She looked so lovely — a purple dress and heels. She was going to stand up and play for the first time. French horn players learn to play seated, but the performers play standing up; even though she’s a music ed major and not a performance major, she’s learned to stand. It was a great performance. Afterward, we checked out some friends’ intramural football game and ate dinner. It was hard to say goodbye that night.

Working Out Around Family, Friends

The next day was leisurely. I slept in, had coffee in bed, and then walked down to the Lanana Creek trailhead for a run. It was cold in Nac, too; two layers of shirts and gloves. The long sleeved layer came off pretty quickly. It was a gorgeous sunshiney day, but I only saw one other person on the 5–6 mile trail. Back to the hotel for a shower and breakfast and I was on my way home.

Thursday evening is my quality run workout but I skipped it last night. I’d spent the day with a friend who is ill and it wore me out, emotionally more than physically. All I was good for was sitting in a chair, watching mindless TV.

Today, I’m getting ready to head to Bandera for a weekend of long runs. It’s hard to get motivated with the rain steadily coming down and I’m feeling the urge to throw it all by the wayside and do a lot of nothing.

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Leah Nyfeler

I'm a writer, content marketer, and adventurer who is always looking for the another story, exciting adventure, new trail, and good meal/book/movie. I love sharing things I'm curious about, what I know, and how I've come to learn it. Read my blog, "Enjoying the Journey: Observations on the Fit Life" (leahruns100.com) and find my articles in a variety of print and online magazines.

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