March 26, 2025

25-26 Miles Among the Pines

Waiting for my boy to get back from driving his girlfriend home, so thought I’d post.

Today, I went out to Bastrop State Park to do the long run that I missed because of my back. Everybody else in the training group was falling back this week, so I expected to run by myself at some point as I needed to do 25 or so. Except I found myself alone from the get-go; it seemed there had been some schedule change. Normally, I double-check the webiste before I head out, but Diana and I had talked about what I needed to do the last Saturday, and they’d never moved a long run before…anyway, I was by myself.

It was probably a good thing. When I run by myself, things process. It’s not like I intentionally go out thinking I’ll think about difficult things or resolve issues; it just happens. Sometimes, unconsciously. I worked on some things that were really troubling me. By the time I was on my third loop (I did two long loops and one short one), I felt peaceful and unstressed. I think I’d go crazy without long runs. I’m not sure what I did to de-stress before I started running. I’m not sure I did anything.

The run was pretty slow. That, too, happens when I run by myself. I just don’t care too much. I tried to make a point to make my loops pretty even. I’ll know how successful I was when I write it down in my log, but I don’t care right now. It was a very easy pace, and I surely could’ve done 30; I briefly thought about it, in fact, and decided that was overkill. Plus, I just wanted to get home.

It was a long day, and when I got back, my daughter and I made the buckeyes for our annual Lights Extravaganza. Well, we half-way made them; we made the peanut butter center, and they need to be dipped in chocolate tomorrow. By dinnertime, I was in a fog. We wound up going out  instead of cooking. (I have had more alcohol and gone out to eat more in the last two weeks than probably in the last two months previously. Crazy.)

Boy, am I tired right now. Hurry home, honey, so Mama can get to bed!

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Leah Nyfeler

I'm a writer, content marketer, and adventurer who is always looking for the another story, exciting adventure, new trail, and good meal/book/movie. I love sharing things I'm curious about, what I know, and how I've come to learn it. Read my blog, "Enjoying the Journey: Observations on the Fit Life" ( and find my articles in a variety of print and online magazines.

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