March 29, 2025

Here’s the Plan, Stan

I had the follow up visit today; I have a high hamstring tear.

Interestingly enough, I have some tearing on both sides, but (obviously) worse on the right side. A hamstring tear will give lower back pain, so there is nothing actually going on with my back. Seems being an older, hormonal, long-distance running woman lends itself to this injury.

The good news is that this week of rest has helped a lot. The doc gave me a plan of action–I’m going to start Airrosti therapy on Wednesday. After 2-3 sessions, I can try an easy 5-miler. We’ll take it from there. I can swim, bike, do light weights, and just about anything that does involve repetitive motion as in running or up and down motion like basketball, etc. He told me not to completely write off my events in February. Now, 50 miles is probably out, but I may be able to salvage some things.

Having a diagnosis makes me hopeful and happy.

The bad news is that the Airrosti therapy involves breaking up scarring on the tendons and manipulating the fascia. This sounds a lot like the very painful ligament stripping that Dr. Sellers did about two weeks back. I will suck it up, though, and it will make me better.

Missing Bandera threw me into a deep pit of depression this weekend. If another person tells me how lucky I was to miss Bandera because it was cold, I will hit him/her. That doesn’t make me feel better…it just rubs in that I missed a great adventure in my favorite place in Texas to run. Well, it’s gone and I’m putting my funk behind me and moving on.

And hopefully, my hubby will not have to listen to me obsess for much longer about my injury. I know it’s gotten old, the constant talking about it and the wild mood swings made worse by lack of physical release. I’m tired of myself, too.

(Visited 72 times, 1 visits today)

Leah Nyfeler

I'm a writer, content marketer, and adventurer who is always looking for the another story, exciting adventure, new trail, and good meal/book/movie. I love sharing things I'm curious about, what I know, and how I've come to learn it. Read my blog, "Enjoying the Journey: Observations on the Fit Life" ( and find my articles in a variety of print and online magazines.

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0 thoughts on “Here’s the Plan, Stan

  1. Oh how I\’ve missed LJ!!! I know this is an old entry, and sorry to hear you missed out on a race that means a lot to you:-(. I can\’t wait to read ahead and catch up!!! That darn FB is the lazy way to keep up with good friends!!!!

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