March 26, 2025

Quiet Time to Get Caught Up

I’m sitting here, feeling full and quiet after a late Mother’s Day breakfast with la familia. It’s been a full weekend (aren’t they all, really?).

TriZones Open Water Swim Practice

Yesterday was the Tri Zones open water swim. The weather was just too heinous to put everybody in the water; it was actually quite dark and overcast out at Decker Lake, and the wind was screaming and cold. We waited to see if things would calm down but, sadly, it just got worse as the morning progressed. The true newbies were not happy with the look of the waves. A few of the more experienced intermediate folks got in, and I think it was valuable to the newer folks to see how the wind and waves affected their swim. We walked a goodly portion of the run course and called it a day.

Fun at Slaughter Creek Trail

Which is when the really good portion of the morning kicked in; my friend Stacey and I headed over to the new Slaughter Creek trail to give it a run. This week was a down week for me, so I simply wanted to run the 5–mile loop and call it a day. Being sore made that easy to stick to — I must’ve come down funny when I fell on the bike Wednesday evening, because my hamstring has really been talking to me since then. I’ve done lots of icing and stretching but it’s bothering me.

Anyway, Stacey had been out to Slaughter Creek before and she was tour guide. How nice to be out among the wild flowers on a new trail with a friend! Weather that was crappy for open water swimming was just awesome for a trail run.

Family Time

After I got home, I had a nice, healthy lunch prepared by the hubby and got cleaned up to do my Mother’s Day shopping with enough time left in the day to take a lovely afternoon nap with the cat. My boy had his first day of work at the pool yesterday, so the hubby and I had a date to go see Ironman 2 at Alamo Drafthouse. I think at heart I am the equivalent of a 15-year-old boy because I love sci-fi, blow ’em up, AC/DC in the sound track summer movies. It was great fun, and I got to treat myself to a beer and fried pickles! Heaven.

Sunday Long Run

Slept in today (aaahhhh) and then joined friends for the Sunday TacoDeli run.  It made me realize that I’ve been AWOL from the trail group runs these last few months; that was on purpose, as I was trying to avoid situations where I might be tempted to push pace or intensity. However, I hadn’t truly realized how long it had been since I’d seen some of my friends. Lots of sweaty hugs and I promised myself (and them) that I’d not be such a stranger in the future.

The family treated me to a Mom’s Day brunch out after I got back and got cleaned up.  We’re getting ready to head to a soccer game and then over to my sister-in-law’s for a nice dinner with my mom.

Almost Time for Pocatello Trail Race

Pocatello is May 29! I am excited about the trip, a mountain run, and time with friends. I’m hoping that everything (and by “everything” I mean “my hamstring”) holds up well and I’m able to come back and do Danskin the next weekend with my Tri Zones peeps. But I have to be cautious, as working pace on an uphill on the bike seems to be the absolute worst condition for that hammie, so if I’m the least bit sore or stressed from the run I need to pass on Danskin.

I have to keep telling myself that I’m not a wuss because I skip a sprint triathlon.

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Leah Nyfeler

I'm a writer, content marketer, and adventurer who is always looking for the another story, exciting adventure, new trail, and good meal/book/movie. I love sharing things I'm curious about, what I know, and how I've come to learn it. Read my blog, "Enjoying the Journey: Observations on the Fit Life" ( and find my articles in a variety of print and online magazines.

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