March 29, 2025


This morning was the 7:30 a.m. workout group and the 9:00 a.m. USA v. Algeria World Cup game. So I had to haul ass to make both.

Bike Workout

I’d gone to Tri Zones workout Tuesday night which was a bike workout in Steiner Ranch. It was loads of fun; I’d never ridden Flatiron (or is it Flattop?) road and loved the screaming downhill. At first, I was riding the brake, thinking “Holy crap! Too fast! What if there’s a stop sign or an intersection?”

I’d glanced down to see I was at 34mph with braking. And then I realized all the people ahead of me had been there before and I could see if there was any shifting/braking/change in body position, and so I let go.

FUN!  It was just the kind of ride my legs needed and it was nice to ride with the group. If I didn’t think it would be overkill, I’d go to the Thursday night workouts as well, but I don’t need that many quality workouts in a week.

Run Workout

So this morning rolled around and I wondered how the legs would feel. We headed over to the lovely grass at Zilker for drills, a time trial of sorts, and then relays. I don’t think I’ve done relays since I ran with Mac and Andreas. Oh, how I love that stuff!  Coach Gilbert pulled me aside and gave me some advice on my arm carriage while I was waiting for my partner to come around. He is so personable; already, he knows my name, knows me well enough to kid around with me, and has pulled me aside for one-on-one stuff several times.

Soccer Game

After the last repeat, I took off as fast as I could to get back to the car and the house and the USA game. I swear, every pokey driver who insisted on driving 55mph was out on MoPac. I was a drenched mess when I ran in the door. The first half was frustrating; I ran to shower and get out of my wet running clothes at halftime. In my haste, I showered with my glasses on. The second half had me standing up, moving and kicking with the team (I can’t help it; it’s just so exciting — I don’t know how people think soccer is boring). The celebrating at the end was loud and intense. We’ve already gone back through the game once with TiVo. Yeah, we’re a soccer family all right.

I don’t know if it was the heat, the fast repeats, intensity of the game, or what, but I had to lay down this afternoon and sleep for about 30 minutes. Totally wiped out. I still feel drained. Now, I’m off to pick up my new touring bike from my buddy Abe!

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Leah Nyfeler

I'm a writer, content marketer, and adventurer who is always looking for the another story, exciting adventure, new trail, and good meal/book/movie. I love sharing things I'm curious about, what I know, and how I've come to learn it. Read my blog, "Enjoying the Journey: Observations on the Fit Life" ( and find my articles in a variety of print and online magazines.

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0 thoughts on “GOAAAALLLLLL!

  1. Love that you\’re having fun with Gilbert! This is so awesome.

    and we\’re going to see Abe when he gets back next week, he\’s going to help with a bike for me to play on in the hood, you know, run down to mom\’s and the convenience store, fix my old road bike for Rob and do a bike for ML! how sweet that you\’re already using him…send me a review, hahahaha.

    Life is good huh?

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