March 25, 2025

Bike + Foot = No Pain

Yesterday’s veloway ride, though short, didn’t seem to bother my foot. Starting out, I’d wondered if the stiff soles and placement of the clips would feel bad but I found that I didn’t feel anything. I guess it’s because the bottom of the foot stays stable–nothing stretches or bends or pulls.

I limited myself to an hour, just to be on the safe side. No particular discomfort later, though of course I iced and elevated that evening.

It’s interesting…it’s so seldom that I ever come to a bike ride on completely fresh and rested legs, like I did today. You know, it makes a big difference. I need to be back on my bike as James and I are doing the Wurst Ride in a couple of weekends. And I did agree to do the 100K again this year. I mean, there’s no question that I’m fit enough–if I can run 26, I can ride 63. And Germany taught me that you can ride forever if you take it easy enough and stop often. So I’ll be riding along towards New Braunfels at an easy clip, stopping at all the aid stations.

It did just occur to me, though, that I won’t be able to eat much of the standard supported ride fare: no pb&js, no cookies, no pretzels, no Cheezits. But they usually have bananas and several races have Lara bars…hmmm, maybe even some Coke, but if I’m ambling, it may be all gone by the time I get there. So I’ll need to be sure to pack a fair amount of food.

The main difference between Germany and this 100K is my butt; the upright position of a touring bike sure is alot easier on the sit bones than the more aerodynamic, tri-friendly, road bike set up I have with my orange beauty, Clementine. If I still had the touring bike, I’d actually ride her but she went to Nacogdoches to live with my daughter (who I can only hope is taking good care of Sheba).

I’m going to ride a bit today (and I’m going to stop by Gazelles, just so they know I didn’t drop off the face of the earth). Inner Runner workout is tonight, so I’m hoping that I’ll see some improvement over how I felt last week. Thursday, I’ll try Lady Bird Lake for my usual Thursday run with Dr. Stephanie. Friday rest, Saturday 25-50 miles with some Tri Zones friends doing a last long ride before IM Florida, and an easy trail run at Walnut Creek on Sunday.

Let’s hope the foot continues to improve throughout the week!

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Leah Nyfeler

I'm a writer, content marketer, and adventurer who is always looking for the another story, exciting adventure, new trail, and good meal/book/movie. I love sharing things I'm curious about, what I know, and how I've come to learn it. Read my blog, "Enjoying the Journey: Observations on the Fit Life" ( and find my articles in a variety of print and online magazines.

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0 thoughts on “Bike + Foot = No Pain

  1. I\’m glad cycling didn\’t hurt! Jeff & I are doing the Wurst Ride too! It\’s official! And we plan to do 2 Pflugerville loops Saturday too, to keep the mileage up. So I\’ll be seeing you everywhere!

  2. Well.. well.. maybe I\’ll do the Wurst Ride, too. MAYBE I WILL. That\’ll show you all. Note: I haven\’t been on my bike on the road in.. many months. For any distance. (Also I plan to be in Pflugerville on Saturday. With my pitiful non-cycling ass being left behind.)

  3. Yipee!

    Amy and Pam, it will be fun to have you out at BOTH places. Though I realized the folks riding are getting ready for IM Cozumel, not IM Florida as I said in my post.

    Since you haven\’t been on your bike in many months, maybe we\’ll be similarly paced, Amy. I haven\’t ridden with you since we saw llamas or some such on a desperately hot ride somewhere in around Liberty Hill or some place many IM ago (well, if you add my 1 to your many).

    And Pam, I don\’t think we\’ve ridden together since last Danskin season, right? Good times are ahead! I\’ll see y\’all Saturday.

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