February 22, 2025

I Should Be Doing Other Things (or Life Gets in the Way)

It’s crazy these days; I’m running non-stop from one things to another, seemingly always behind. Lots of what I have to do simply takes time. Despite everything, I’m taking just a few minutes to post. It’ll make me feel refreshed, like I had some “me” time.

I went to physical therapy today. That was really sobering and, at the same time, uplifting. I’m just so happy to be started down the real path toward getting my body back, and I think my PT is a great fit. She was highly recommended by my friend Anne F., and she also has first had knowledge of having an ankle issue. Her name is Christine S., and she’s at Sport Center.

Schedule for Recovery

I’ve lost lots of flexibility and strength. Not surprising. Christine told me to back off on the elliptical, that trying to get my heart rate up was pushing my feet too fast. My workout these days is PT. Three times a week for the first few weeks, then moving to two times a week, followed by a reassessment. Today, she was simply assessing where I am. Blue-Run-Step-Pedometer-Digital-Electric-font-b-Calorie-b-font-font-b-Counter-b-fontChristine recommended I get a pedometer and instructed me to wear a compression sock when I am up and about. And here I just thought I’d escaped the boot. There’s also a rocking foot thingie I need to get for exercises. So I have some tasks, if not any actual exercises, for this week.

I need to back off the swimming in the amount of kicking I’m doing…and I can’t go anywhere near the fins yet. So while I thought I was being ultra-cautious, I was actually still pushing ahead of what’s best for my current state by kicking as much as I was during workouts and trying the fins.

I'm supposed to use this when I watch TV or sit at my desk, doing both front to back rocking along with side to side.
I’m supposed to use this when I watch TV or sit at my desk, doing both front to back rocking along with side to side.

I have the all-clear to walk easily (and on smooth ground–no trails, though Lady Bird Lake’s crushed granite is fine) for as long as I feel like it…keeping in mind no more than a 10-20 percent increase after two times at the same distance and amount of time. Right now, that means I can walk about a mile on the road. It’s a good start.

Because there is most likely cartilage damage as well as bone damage, it’s really important to work on inflammation. Jobst-Relief-Open-ToeSo, a compression sock whenever I am up is required, along with elevation while I’m not, and flat, supportive shoes (no heels, though a low wedge is okay) on my feet. I gotta go shoe shopping for something that will carry me through the summer and still be supportive (and cute) enough to go with summer clothes.

I’ve moved into uncharted water now. I’ve never been “down” this long–it will be three months in one week– since I started running with purpose in 1998. How busy I am shows me how I’ve let various chores and duties take over what was my run time (also my friend time, therapy, and anti-depressant). I can’t let this continue or I’ll be fat, stressed, and depressed. So I need to get a grip on the tasks that have been driving me and scale them back to find time that nourishes me in some way. This, by the way, is my justification for sitting down to write now.

On top of all this, I signed the contracts and wrote the giant check to get started on the French Place remodeling today. So excited to be doing this. Normally, I have great remorse after writing a big check–I second guess myself and am quite critical. However, this one went with a huge smile and a big sigh of relief. FINALLY! I’ve been waiting for this for three years.

I got a bit of my running itch scratched by taking the Road Runners Club of America Coaching Certification course this weekend. It’s a lot of fun to sit in a room for eight hours each day with a bunch of other runner folks and do nothing but, well, talk running. I need my CPR/FA certification and to pass the online test and I’ll have that certification. It’s going to be nice to have those meaningful letters to back up my real-life experience and self-eduction. I had two buddies attending as well, an unexpected additional pleasure to go along with the running love fest.

The soccer booster club duties I have are crazy right now. It’s going to continue to reach toward a fever pitch until the banquet on 5/11 and then I’ll be in wrap-up mode. I’ve got another trip to Nacogdoches on Friday (Stephen F. Austin’s Ring Dip ceremony!) which will be very pleasurable but lots and lots of time. And there’s graduation on May 28. Yeah, May is going to be quite a busy month.

If I can just make it in one healthy happy piece through the next 26 days, I’m golden.

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Leah Nyfeler

I'm a writer, content marketer, and adventurer who is always looking for the another story, exciting adventure, new trail, and good meal/book/movie. I love sharing things I'm curious about, what I know, and how I've come to learn it. Read my blog, "Enjoying the Journey: Observations on the Fit Life" (leahruns100.com) and find my articles in a variety of print and online magazines.

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0 thoughts on “I Should Be Doing Other Things (or Life Gets in the Way)

  1. I know for most runners the anti depressant effects are really strong, so I admit I was wondering how that was effecting you. I\’m sorry that you are having to miss out on that important part of your life for right now. I know there have definitely been times in my life where getting out to exercise literally saved my sanity!! I think you acknowledging that is important, knowing that you still do need to take time for yourself, to be with friends, and for your mental health. When we get busy sometimes it gets so easy to neglect that which I will do until I literally have a complete breakdown. If you ever need anything, I\’m not too far away to come and take a walk if you need some company and cant make runs right now. You are so tough and inspiring I know you can make it through this, but I know it\’s hard and frustrating. Love you Leah!!

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