January 31, 2025
Screenshot of sign at BlogathonATX for Room for Improvement

#BlogathonATX Has Tips, Tools for All

Going to BlogathonATX was like the first day of school — I had my pens all ready, a brand new book for notes, laptop juiced up, phone with social media contact info at hand, and my own “What would you do if you could not fail?” mug ready for extreme coffee action.

Car with sign for BlogathonATX in Twitter post.

The day flew by. So much great information, so many wonderful people, such a wealth of help and support. Here’s a random sampling of some of the goodies I gleaned from hanging out with the cool blogging kids for a day.

Wise Words from #BATX15

“Silence your phones and pull up your stretchy pants.” ~ Annette Priest

“Say ‘hi’ to your neighbors because they’re probably as nervous and nerdy as you are.” ~ Ilene Haddad 

“Real headlines, real navigation names — that’s what Google looks for.” ~ Julie Gomoll

“For a good time, blog here.” ~ BlogathonATX tagline

Tweet about panel at BlogathonATX

“It’s harder than ever with social media to get noticed, because so many people are waving, saying ‘Check out my stuff!'” ~ Carla Birnberg

“If you’re trying to think of what to write about, follow your interests because readers will react to that enthusiasm.” ~ Greg Ackerman

“Think of readers not as audience but as community.” ~ Addie Broyles

“Posts are a launching pad for comments…I think of it as holding up a mirror to my community.” ~ Carla Birnberg

“Smart bloggers, business owners, and entrepreneurs find their tribe — that’s how they get started.” ~ Lauren Goldstein

“Being a good reader will always make you a good writer.” ~ Greg Ackerman

“There is room enough for all of us to succeed.” ~ Carla Birnberg

Tweet from BlogathonATX about Carla Birnberg's book

On the subject of crickets: “Sometimes, you’re like, ‘Nobody’s reading my stuff,’ but there are a lot of people who watch. It’s hard because it’s personal…eventually,  you’ll see it pay off.” ~ Lauren Goldstein

“The real growth happens in the pause between the breaths.” ~ Addie Broyles

“Don’t be everything to everyone; find what makes you special.” ~ Lauren Goldstein

“SEO is all about the long game of providing very useful information.” ~ Nando Caban-Mendez

“Promote your blog by interviewing the competition — that brings a slow grass-roots momentum. Write about other people.” ~ Julie Gomoll

“What do you want people to do when they get [to your blog]? You don’t have to have a definite answer, just a temporary one.” ~ Nando Caban-Mendez

“Write really great content and they will come is important, but doing the heavy lifting on SEO adds that extra something.” ~ Leslie Hancock

Tweet of room at BlogathonATX

Panelists’ Book Recommendations

Screenshot of Tweet about Frito Pie at BlogathonATX

8 Blog Tips from Experts

  1. Slash copy — design for mobile first.
  2. Google is color blind (white-on-black is difficult, orange on black is hard for visually impaired).
  3. Don’t count on tags for search (can show up as duplicate content).
  4. Come up with descriptions that are meaningful (“Get Started Here”).
  5. Have six to ten categories at most; use them judiciously.
  6. Dropdown menus don’t work on mobile devices.
  7. Avoid “site bloat” (extra pages, too many tags, categories)
  8. As yourself what you want out of blog: establish expertise, name recognition, to see your writing, get work/jobs, build community, etc.)

Screenshot of sign at BlogathonATX for Room for Improvement

(Visited 151 times, 1 visits today)

Leah Nyfeler

I'm a writer, content marketer, and adventurer who is always looking for the another story, exciting adventure, new trail, and good meal/book/movie. I love sharing things I'm curious about, what I know, and how I've come to learn it. Read my blog, "Enjoying the Journey: Observations on the Fit Life" (leahruns100.com) and find my articles in a variety of print and online magazines.

View all posts by Leah Nyfeler →

7 thoughts on “#BlogathonATX Has Tips, Tools for All

    1. Oh, the pleasure was mine and as soon as you have next year\’s date up, I\’ll be back as participant and sponsor. The group did such a wonderful job of looping me into social media promotion. The only complaint I have is that I missed seminar information because I was taking advantage of all the wonderful things that tech support had to offer. I can see how BlogathonATX can fill so many needs; my experience next year is bound to be different.

      And I got to meet Addie Broyles and talk to her about her \”What Not to Wear\” experience! (swoon)

  1. OMG. I need a How to Blog 101 course. Of the money to pay someone to actually do a decent website for me. Sigh. I\’m glad you enjoyed the experience. I am jealous of your opportunities!!!

    1. I think your blog is wonderful! The website looks very professional, in my opinion; I\’m curious as to what improvements you\’d like to enact. Here\’s a plan: schedule your 2016 US trip to coincide with BlogathonATX — we can be blogger nerds together for a day and you can get all the help you need (as well as tasty goodies) for a very reasonable price. You\’d just have to wait a year. :0(

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