March 26, 2025

Proof is in the Bandana

I have proof that the detergent caused my skin issues (see “Ouch” for the background story).

On Sunday, I tucked my bandana into the waist band of my nifty running skort (which has caused no chafing over the last two weeks and been washed in the new detergent); evidently, this particular bandana hadn’t been rewashed since my skin issues. When I pulled down my shorts after the run, there were huge puffy welts where the bandana touched my skin…I’ve never had this happen and carry a bandana often.

It’s the soap. Mystery solved.

What I Learned This Weekend

  • 360 is a tough ride
  • I must not eat enough on the bike because of the way I run out of gas on my Sunday long runs
  • If I’m going to do the 50 miler at Palo Duro, I need to run faster
  • I really miss having people, especially my friends, to work out with regularly
  • As badly as I’ve been treated recently, I simply cannot bring myself to respond negatively in social situations, so I have to trust in karma…that one day, what goes around will come around

August 12–18, 2007 workouts

swim      1:06
bike        3:55
run          2:30 (long run was skipped due to being sick last Sunday)
total         7:31 (I worked out more consistently this week but being sick still affected the total time)

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Leah Nyfeler

I'm a writer, content marketer, and adventurer who is always looking for the another story, exciting adventure, new trail, and good meal/book/movie. I love sharing things I'm curious about, what I know, and how I've come to learn it. Read my blog, "Enjoying the Journey: Observations on the Fit Life" ( and find my articles in a variety of print and online magazines.

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0 thoughts on “Proof is in the Bandana

  1. You know, I think I\’ve really only met you once, at the 30K in Buda when you had the superhero cape on. You were still on the out, I was on the in. How can anybody treat a superhero badly?

    During our 24 hour getaway, we were on 360 several times. I really have the urge to get out there and ride it one of these days.

    Having to run alone so often (all the time) is what will eventually make me quit training for marathons.

    1. THat\’s funny; I wasn\’t sure we\’d ever actually met. You know, I lost that cape at Motive 2 years ago (my PW for a half–maybe the loss was symbolic).

      If you want to do 360, I highly recommend getting someone who\’s ridden it to take you out the first time. Fair amount of cars, lots of speed (you and the cars–I hit 35 mph braking coming down a hill), and those icky on/off ramps.

      I wouldn\’t mind being alone so much if I didn\’t need to do such long trail runs. I\’ve never had a scary incident on the trail, but I have been around when all sorts of people have had unforeseen serious problems. Shit happens. Well, that and I\’m just a social person. I don\’t necessarily talk all the time but I like company. There\’s a special communion between friends when you\’re out in the middle of nowhere, silently running along enjoying the day.

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