February 22, 2025

Fine Day

It’s funny how much difference a real day off can make.

I was so tired on Monday that I literally did nothing–I read a book most of the day, ate, and petted the dog. Why I was so tired in the first place is a bit of a mystery (bad nutrition over the week? Husband gone too long and too much kid stuff to do? New schedule finally catching up with me? That time in my cycle? ) but I was. However, I woke up Tuesday feeling MUCH better and today, I was 100%.

Track Workout

Today we had a drop-in guest for our quality workout on the track and it was so nice. Made me think about one of the things I love about running in general. It’s such an equalizer. I mean, you can have a very disparate group–middle aged women/ young guys, skinny/fat, experienced/newbies, rich/ poor, whatever–and if you’re running together, you’re all equal. Everybody’s got on all the same stuff. If it’s hard for you, it’s probably hard for someone else (that is, if they’re putting out the same effort…and you know when somebody’s not putting it out there).

Here was this young lady, college student/first time marathoner/relatively newer runner, and me and Cathy (both of us have been around the block a couple of time) and we’re just chatting away during warmup about first Ironman races and how we like our coach and fun stuff. Nice, nice, nice.

And the 400s were sweet!

Checking Out a New Bike

Went by Austin TriCyclists to look/talk more about bikes and I may have one to try here soon. If only I were a few inches taller, life would be easier! My need for a 48/49cm frame seems to be a bit problematic.

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Leah Nyfeler

I'm a writer, content marketer, and adventurer who is always looking for the another story, exciting adventure, new trail, and good meal/book/movie. I love sharing things I'm curious about, what I know, and how I've come to learn it. Read my blog, "Enjoying the Journey: Observations on the Fit Life" (leahruns100.com) and find my articles in a variety of print and online magazines.

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