February 22, 2025

Taper-Induced Cleaning Frenzy

Because I need to make my lists for my transition/special needs bag, I am tidying my desk.

Perhaps the logic is not obvious here, but I have to be in an orderly environment in order to focus on this (or it could be that I’m looking for excuses to put it off, as this makes the entire event seem quite near and looming…which it is).

I put a lot of sentimental value onto stuff and keep lots of paper things. Like this list.

A couple of years ago, we were driving down to the Texas coast, and the girls were in a goofy mood and created this. The front says (in all caps, natch):


(they, of course, immediately gave it to me)


-a list by Christie and Liz

1.  You left us alone in the car while you went to get your watch fixed. Liz lost her tooth and bled everywhere. Christie was traumatized.
2.  You forgot us at school. Jenna’s mom took us home.
3.  You left for the UT football game and ONLY said goodbye to Matthew.
4.  You left a sickly child (Christie) at home and went to Grandma’s house without telling her.
5.  You wouldn’t sit with Christie on the plane.
6.  You left Liz at the grocery store for a week.
7.  You went to Miami with your hawt Cuban boyfriend and left your wonderful children at home with a crazy man.
8.  You run away from us in Target when you see something shiny.
9.  You went to a fabulous tropical paradise and we stayed with Grandma.
10.  Sometimes we wake up and you’ve run away.

This is really, really funny, probably more so when you know the family stories behind each item. Only one of them is completely false. Actually, now that I think of it, that one isn’t completely false–it’s just a very exaggerated memory of a very tiny incident.

They are all coming with me to Coeur d’Alene!

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Leah Nyfeler

I'm a writer, content marketer, and adventurer who is always looking for the another story, exciting adventure, new trail, and good meal/book/movie. I love sharing things I'm curious about, what I know, and how I've come to learn it. Read my blog, "Enjoying the Journey: Observations on the Fit Life" (leahruns100.com) and find my articles in a variety of print and online magazines.

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0 thoughts on “Taper-Induced Cleaning Frenzy

  1. That is hilarious! I\’d love to know some of the stories behind those! 🙂

    I\’m really excited for you … the training seems to be going great. What a schedule you\’re keeping! I\’m so impressed!

    If I don\’t see or talk to you beforehand, know that I\’m thinking about and wishing you lots of luck at Coeur d\’Alene!!!


    1. Abandonment #7: the real story
      hawt Cuban boyfriend=Tracy Nelson
      crazy man=their dad

      Tracy Nelson and I did some Adventure Racing and managed to place high enough to go to the Urban Challenge Championship in South Beach. My girls teased me and said that it was all a lie and that, instead of running all over South Beach and Miami, I was lazing around with a cabana boy boyfriend.

      We got held up on several boat drawbridge crossings and got DQed for time. But we got all the clues! We had a crack team at home of our hubbies and families. Tons of fun.

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