March 29, 2025

What a Difference 15-20 Degrees Can Make in a Workout

A week ago Wednesday, the evening temperature was somewhere near 104 degrees. I had a horrible run with the Hill Country Trail Runners that including turning back early and choosing to walk in the final mile or so. I felt miserable, sick to my stomach, and took the next day off.


Last night, the temperature was somewhere around 88–91 degrees at the start of the club run. The rain over the last days had cooled the ground off. It felt downright balmy! In the shade with the breeze, it was quite pleasant.

Henry took us down a path I’d never, ever been on..Rudy’s Loop. Parts of it I really enjoyed–the windy, twisty shady parts. There were even a couple of little trickly streams at places. Lots of soft gooshy mud. Parts I didn’t care for–running on the road for a block or two, going around the power station, and mirroring Loop 360 on a jeep road in the sun. But we came out down near Sculpture Falls and then hit the other trails.

It was such a nice mix of trails, and the company was fun.

I ran well and I felt good while doing it. Such a change from last week! It’s nice to have the reminder every now and then that it really is the heat and not that I’m slow or out of shape or generally sucky.

Tomorrow, I’m going with Cathy as she does her long run for her road marathon training. Saturday, I’ll do something with the hubby; he gets to pick whatever we do, and I’m hoping it’s a bike ride or a pleasant walk. And then Sunday, I have my long run on the trail. I’m combining that one with a Tri a Trail run for the Tri Zones folks. I’ll get a good hour and a half done on my own and then run an easy hour with the group as tour guide.

I hope we can avoid triple digits for all the weekends’ outings!

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Leah Nyfeler

I'm a writer, content marketer, and adventurer who is always looking for the another story, exciting adventure, new trail, and good meal/book/movie. I love sharing things I'm curious about, what I know, and how I've come to learn it. Read my blog, "Enjoying the Journey: Observations on the Fit Life" ( and find my articles in a variety of print and online magazines.

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0 thoughts on “What a Difference 15-20 Degrees Can Make in a Workout

  1. You said: It\’s nice to have the reminder every now and then that it really is the heat and not that I\’m slow or out of shape or generally sucky.
    Crabby says: You\’re the least sucky person I know 😉

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