March 29, 2025

More Odds and Ends

The hubby and I did an up-and-back to the ‘doches on Saturday to get our girl moved into her first apartment. We looked like the Clampetts; we managed to (miraculously) get everything in the pick-up, and thank goodness there wasn’t enough rain that we needed to keep the tarp on top.

On Sunday, we took a walk at Lady Bird Lake and it was the first time my hip has not hurt either before, during, or after. Now, the hip clearly talks to me if I try to walk fast or lengthen my stride so it’s really an easy walk. But I view it as progress.

I’m a bit frustrated over setting up my therapy sessions. When I went for the first one, the therapist explained to me that they like to set up the next two or three immediately, as they book up fast and people usually only need 3-4 treatments. However, the girl who handled that was not there, which left it to me to call in and schedule. I’d wanted to get in on Monday (today), but had to take the only available appointment on Tuesday. And I don’t have the third one scheduled, because I don’t know when he wants me back…and I’m afraid that it will get stretched out such that this downtime without running winds up longer than it needs to be.

I got to see a friend who’s ill last week. I went with dread, as the last time we visited was a very low spot both physically and mentally for him; I wasn’t sure how much lower it could get, and I mentally girded myself up in case he had deteriorated. So much joy at seeing actual improvement in his condition! He is more his old self, and that to me is what it means to “beat” the disease. It’s not about getting well per se–it’s about maintaining who you are and taking the best from each day that you can have, and he has embraced this. The positive energy is beautiful and infectious.

There’s always something to learn, and I think the lesson I’m being repeatedly hit over the head with is that I need to be happy with finding the best in each day as it’s given.

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Leah Nyfeler

I'm a writer, content marketer, and adventurer who is always looking for the another story, exciting adventure, new trail, and good meal/book/movie. I love sharing things I'm curious about, what I know, and how I've come to learn it. Read my blog, "Enjoying the Journey: Observations on the Fit Life" ( and find my articles in a variety of print and online magazines.

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