I’ve run Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and today. Tuesday and Thursday, I did the 3-mile loop at Lady Bird Lake; Wednesday, I did the 4-mile loop. Today, I enjoyed the treadmill, alternating walking and running, since I was a bit sore and the weather was nasty.
So now I have to give a testimonial: Airrosti therapy is fantastic. I cannot say enough how impressed I’ve been with the results I’ve gotten. After four treatments (my 4th was Thursday morning), I have no more back pain; it no longer hurts when I sit; I can lift my leg without pain; no limping, either walking or running; I can stretch out my leg without pain. Every time I went for therapy, there was noticeable improvement.
I won’t see Dr. Ellspermann for two weeks. During this time, I’ll continue the exercises his PT has given me. I can run as much as I want for as long as I want if I keep it slow and easy and pain-free, which is not a problem. Right now, if I try to run faster than an 11 minute mile, my leg speaks to me. He explained that this is because it’s weak, so I’ve just got to rebuild. And that’s just fine with me.
The other thing I have to deal with is the extra weight that is making me feel crappy (both running and in general). But now that I’m getting my drug of choice regularly, I have a more sunny outlook on things and anything seems possible (I’m flashing to Annette Benning in American Beauty: “I will sell this house today! I will sell this house today!” lol).
Looks like I will try a very easy 7–10 on Sunday.