March 29, 2025

Things I Do Well vs. Those I Don’t

Time for a little personal reflection after the weekend’s activities.

Things I Do Well

Spectate and cheer. I had a blast hanging out with the Hill Country Trail Runners at the unofficial aid station at mile 22.5. We hooted and hollered and rang bells and gave high fives from 8:30AM until about 12:45PM (there were a few people left then, but that’s when I called it a day).

Trail run. At least, it felt like I was doing it well. I had a lovely late afternoon run over at St. Eds yesterday, park to park. I finished up just as the sun started to go down. When I came down the hill at the end, I actually had tears in my eyes because it felt so damn good. Nothing hurt. It made me realize that my hamstring issue has been a long time in the making because it had been a long time since I felt that good on a run out there.

Things I Don’t Do Well

Bake. Instead of cards and whatnot, I decided to do a nice Valentine’s Day dinner for la familia. The piece de resistance was going to be cake balls. But I was thwarted in my efforts. First, the cake balls would not hold together. Then, they fell apart when I tried to dip them in the coating. A quick call to my friend Tricia: she said put the coating in a shallow pan and roll them with my fingers instead of dipping. But then the coating needed to be rewarmed and it gunked up. No problem–switch to chocolate instead of the white chocolate. Um, it was too gloopy and thick. Efforts to thin the chocolate failed. Genius idea! I will just drizzle white chocolate over the cake balls; who needs that much icing? White chocolate comes out in a thick blob. No problem–I will simply spread it attractively over the cake ball. False; in the time I’ve put a dollop of chocolate on each ball, it has hardened. My finished product looks something like a ball of poop with a white splat on it. Niiiicccceee. Nothing says “I love you” quite like a turd with a hat. At least they taste good.

Happy Valentines Day!

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Leah Nyfeler

I'm a writer, content marketer, and adventurer who is always looking for the another story, exciting adventure, new trail, and good meal/book/movie. I love sharing things I'm curious about, what I know, and how I've come to learn it. Read my blog, "Enjoying the Journey: Observations on the Fit Life" ( and find my articles in a variety of print and online magazines.

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