March 29, 2025

My Own Private IdaHell

My friend Jason Simmons came up with that clever title for my race report, so I’m totally using it.

This is a humongous report covering the 2010 Pocatello 50-Mile race. Clif Notes version:  weather conditions deteriorated and the race was called. Unfortunately, I did not get the memo and wound up completing my leg of the relay in near whiteout conditions. A wonderful runner, Christian Johnson, who went out to help people found me and brought me into the aid station.

For those who want the gory details, you’ll need to go to the next page (scroll down to click on pg.2):

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Leah Nyfeler

I'm a writer, content marketer, and adventurer who is always looking for the another story, exciting adventure, new trail, and good meal/book/movie. I love sharing things I'm curious about, what I know, and how I've come to learn it. Read my blog, "Enjoying the Journey: Observations on the Fit Life" ( and find my articles in a variety of print and online magazines.

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0 thoughts on “My Own Private IdaHell

  1. You are such a badass for getting through that whole thing! I thought we were going to drive ourselves crazy trying to figure out where you were!

    I\’m sorry it turned so ugly, and thank heavens that Christian found you and helped out!

    This was definitely one for the record books as far as races go!

  2. Holy guacamole Leah!!!!!! What a crazy tale of survival, I am SO SO SO glad that you were tough enough to keep moving and make it to help, and thank goodness for your personal hero Christian! You are incredible Leah and I am so happy you are home safe and sound now 🙂

  3. I agree with Stephanie. Wow. You\’re amazing, Leah. Thank you for sharing your story. I still contend that one day, once you\’re far enough away from it, you will be able to appreciate it as an epic saga and maybe turn it into a Lifetime movie! I want to play you or the sweeper. Tracy Gold can play Christian.

  4. What a saga. I was riveted. It was like one of those stories of weather gone bad on Mt. Everest. Christian was definitely a god-send. I\’m so glad you made it home safe. You are strong, girl!

  5. What an adventure

    You are one tough woman! I\’m glad I was able to help and I enjoyed reading your account of the adventure. With that experience behind you there\’s no telling what you\’re capable of.
    See you on the trail,

    p.s. I just ordered up Breaking Away on netflix…

  6. lucky lady

    You just made the list of people who have been blessed by Christian\’s incredible heart and strength.

  7. Yeesh

    Leah, you don\’t need to keep trying to impress us with all these daredevil stories. 🙂 But seriously I\’m glad you\’re okay and thanks mucho to Christian for looking out for my friend. –maxwell

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