March 31, 2025

Head Case

This was a mental week for me.

‘Way back in Week 12 (we’re finishing up Week 20 now), I had a similar “down” week; I was very emotional, completely tired out, feeling overwhelmed. It was the same this week. Everything culminated on Friday with tears and whatnot–thank goodness the hubby and I were able to get away from the house and everything Ironman-related and consume some beer and yummy foods at Alamo Draft House while laughing at Baby Mama.

Long Ride

I was still wrung out Saturday morning and my body was fighting getting up and joining Cathy for our 6-hour bike ride. Perhaps it was because I had low expectations or maybe it was because I told myself to screw rpms and just ride what felt good, but it was an absolutely fab ride. I’m not saying it wasn’t tough in spots or that I didn’t work hard–it was and I did–but everything was so enjoyable.

We went from the veloway via Southwest Parkway and Old Bee Caves out to Fitzhugh, a route we’d never done before, and had a grand time. On the way back, we picked up Claire and our little threesome peddled along merrily.

We saw friends at the convenience store and hung out (my oldest daughter called and asked what I was doing; I said, “Oh, I’m hanging out with some friends outside this convenience store.” Long pause…”Uh, ok, Mom….”  lol) My hubby had an improptu rest stop with cold water and cold towels both during and at the end of our ride. Even though it was horribly humid, we got some cloud cover which made what could’ve been an absolutely miserable weather scenario not so bad.

I had a flat on the way back in…we just had about 45 minutes more of ride…and it was frustrating — what IS the trick to getting the last three inches of tire back into the rim after you’ve replaced the tube?!?! Cathy and I just practiced using our curse words and sat in the shade, so it wasn’t hideous. We finished up the ride on the veloway since I had to hit the car for my pump, as my CO2 cartidge didn’t really get anywhere near enough air in the tube (my dispenser thingy wasn’t working right….grrrrr)..

I basically shuffled along for my 30-minute run while Cathy actually ran. I felt very happy to have gotten it all done and came home and sat in a cold bath for about 30 minutes to bring my molten core temperature down to near-human numbers. You should see my bathtub…or maybe not, as there was so much salt and dried sweat and general crud on my body that there is a hideous, disgusting black ring around it. There was so much salt on me that it was like some kind of super loofah and scrubbed my skin all shiny and new when I used a wash cloth. (TMI, probably.)

Long Run

This morning, my long run was an exercise in “how to do the Ironman Death March Shuffle.” Or so I imagine. Basically, I couldn’t run worth shit BUT I kept my feet moving and my attitude positive and finished that sucker. I am getting ready to drop the boy off at a friend’s house and then do the swim.

I am really, really looking forward to my day off tomorrow! I need it. Next week is going to be hell because of all the graduation things going on, from company to cleaning to training to being an emotional wreck as yet another baby metaphorically leaves the nest.

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Leah Nyfeler

I'm a writer, content marketer, and adventurer who is always looking for the another story, exciting adventure, new trail, and good meal/book/movie. I love sharing things I'm curious about, what I know, and how I've come to learn it. Read my blog, "Enjoying the Journey: Observations on the Fit Life" ( and find my articles in a variety of print and online magazines.

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0 thoughts on “Head Case

  1. May I suggest

    I had a flat on the way back in…we just had about 45 minutes more of ride…and it was frustrating–what IS the trick to getting the last 3 inches of tire back into the rim after you\’ve replaced the tube?!?! But [info]crabbyoldjawsand I just practiced using our curse words and sat in the shade, so it wasn\’t hideous. We finished up the ride on the veloway since I had to hit the car for my pump, as my CO2 cartidge didn\’t really get anywhere near enough air in the tube (my dispenser thingy wasn\’t working right….grrrrr).

    practicing and reading tips online before race day?

    1. Re: May I suggest

      So that was kind of what I was hoping for here…reading some tips.

      I\’ve changed about 8 flats now and I started out with a tutorial from a cyclist friend and looked online at some great websites. What I can\’t figure out is how some days, it takes me zip/nada to get the tire back into the rim and other days (like Saturday) when I\’m doing all the same things, it just won\’t go. Steps like this (\”…# Starting at the tire edge closest to the valve, use your thumbs to work the other side of tire over the rim and into well. You may need to use the same tool you took it off with to do the very last bit and pop it back onto the wheel….\”) don\’t give me any good insider info that makes it easier on a difficult day.

      My hubby gave me a good tip when we were talking about it yesterday (he got this from the bike shop guys) which was to hold the wheel upright and, starting from the bottom, run my hands up the opposite sides of the tire first before I start putting it inside the rim to make sure I\’ve got more room at the top.

      Maybe that\’s common knowledge but I hadn\’t thought to do it, so I appreciated the tip.

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